Most women of today commonly had this health problems such as menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, acne, anemia, and premenstrual pain period. Though some advanced technology medicines are mushroom in the market to treat the symptoms, self medication is highly discouraged. Ayurvedic treatments is the only solutions to control or prevent this common problems in every woman of today. To ease the pain and discomfort that cure the symptoms of all women, some beneficial herbs are recommended. Find more information in this article.

Generally, all women will experience different types of regular menstrual monthly period. Common problems that exist during the monthly menstrual period of women are fatigue, stomach cramps, constipation, nausea, bloating and vomiting. Some of the women were used ayurvedic treatment instead of other pain relievers bought in the pharmacy to treat the pain they feel during their monthly menstrual period.  You can learn more now.

Physical exercises and active lifestyle to ease the pain of women who suffer menstrual discomfort were some of the ayurvedic treatments used. Most importantly, if a woman cannot endure the pain of their menstruation period, taking the bed rest is much more convenient and advisable. a simple yoga asanas of an ayurvedic treatment will also used to ease the pain and relieve menstrual inconvenience. Nonetheless, Yoga is composed of different style and methods like bow pose(dhanurasana), forward bend(janu sirasana), camel pose(ustrasana), fish pose(matsyasana) and cobra pose(bhujangasana). Furthermore, it is much safer to avoid all oily foods, spicy food and all foods that cause bloating and constipation, instead they are advised to take vegetables that are easy to digest especially soft diet.

Premenstrual monthly period treatment using the ayurvedic procedure will include eating healthy home made food but not included the oily and spicy food, avoid alcohol, smoking and some other tasty fast food products. Much better, take a regular shower, maintained a balanced diet that drive to a regular bowel movement, and drink a lot of fluids.

Menopausal problem can also be treated using ayurvedic procedure, the bring easily transition period. Ayurvedic treatment procedure also recommends the sundari kelp that cleanses the blood who has menopausal syndrome. Calcium deficiency patients should also eat foods that are rich in calcium.

Guggulu and punarnava or boerhaavia diffusa are two ayurvedic herbs that helps women to lose weight.

The major problem of most women who suffer pain in their monthly menstrual period is anemia, it is a deficiency of iron in the blood. Anemia can be prevented by taking ayurvedic herbs such as amla, aloe vera and punarnava or boerhaavia diffusa. Similar alternative to cure iron deficiency is the consumption of more fruit like nuts, apples, beetroot and spinach. Open this link for more info: